What We Do

We Have One Goal

accelerate the global revolution
for pesticide free farming

The use of pesticides has, for a long time, been an attractive tool in agriculture because we have lacked knowledge about better tools to achieve food security without harming the environment. The problem is that it comes with costs to human health and our environment. 

However, it is possible to achieve food security, economic security for small-scale farmers and to protect the envrionment. We now have tried and tested technologies and practices that achieve better yields than the use of pesticides – without being a risk to humans or the planet.

The time is now, to make the shift from harmful farming practices, to more sustainable ones. 

The Problem with Pesticides

Pesticides are inefficient and damaging to the environment. “Growing demand for food has polluted much of the world’s water, soil and air with excess fertilisers and chemical sprays, which are remarkably inefficient. Up to 98% of a crop spray won’t stay on the plant but will instead bounce straight off, accumulating in the soil and eventually running off into waterways.” – BBC


Pesticides are also costly. “Pesticides represent a huge operational cost of running a farm, sometimes 50% of their operations,”  – Kripa Varanasi, professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Some of the harms of using pesticides include:

Direct impact on humans

Impact through food commodities

Impact on environment

Surface & ground water contamination

Soil contamination and harm on soil fertility (beneficial soil micoorganisms)

Contamination of air, soil, and non-target vegetation

That's where we come in.

End-to-end Solution
Seed to Market

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